3 results
Approach to Selecting Respiratory Support:
-The role of noninvasive respiratory support is generally to reduce the patient's
the patient's work ... HFNC may be made ... the patient's diagnosis ... #Management #CriticalCare ... #HFNC #HighFlow
Myasthenic Crisis Checklist - Myasthenia Gravis

 - Chest X-ray and lung ultrasound (exclude other lung
- Infectious workup ... or BiPAP if mild-moderate ... Pyridostigmine - New diagnosis ... MyastheniaGravis #Checklist #Management ... #CriticalCare
The crusade against “Ab”Normal Saline continues.  This is a non-physiologic fluid that can harm our
ECF and ICF both work ... Balanced crystalloids ... #foamed #criticalcare ... #management #diagnosis ... pharmacology #physiology #crystalloids