204 results
A 70 year old was presented to the urgent care center with severe retrosternal chest pain
to the urgent care ... 2017-02-01p2-3/ #Clinical ... Cardiomyopathy #BrokenHeart
A serious case of Flail chest. This is a medical emergency!

Medical Talk @TheMedicalTalk

#Flail #Chest #Breathing #Pattern
A serious case of ... Trauma #Video #Clinical ... #PhysicalExam #
Ankle Clonus on Physical Exam

Turns out to be refractory status due to vertebrobasilar thrombosis... Only one
Only one other case ... Clonus #Ankle #PhysicalExam ... #Video #Clinical
Thyroid Goiter in Severe Hypothyroidism on Neck Physical Examination

TSH 124. Hashimoto’s, lost to care and thyroid
Hashimoto’s, lost to care ... Thyroid #Mass #Neck #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #video
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome on Physical Exam

Prominent dilated collateral veins are seen bypassing the SVC obstruction

collateral veins are ... Cava #Syndrome #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #video
Trauma - Paradoxical Breathing in Flail Chest 
It occurs when multiple adjacent ribs are broken in
adjacent ribs are ... Trauma #Video #Clinical ... #PhysicalExam #
Flail Chest on Physical Exam
Flail chest after 3 or more ribs are broken in 2 areas
3 or more ribs are ... #Flail #Chest #PhysicalExam ... #respiratory #clinical
Spider Angioma on Physical Exam

Spider angiomas are an important physical finding of cirrhosis. The size and
Spider angiomas are ... What are the other ... Spider #Angioma #PhysicalExam ... #Clinical #Video
Osceologist has most of Osce and physical examinations for most body systems , available in this
Osce and long case ... 48xamhikla3gjlj #physicalexam ... #clinical
Harlequin Ichthyosis

Rare genetic disorder that results in thickened skin over nearly the entire surface of the
Ichthyosis Rare ... Harlequin #Ichthyosis #clinical ... #video #physicalexam