5 results
ECG-Induced Koebner Phenomenon #Clinical #Derm #Psoriasis #Koebner #KoebnerPhenomenon #EKGInduced #EKG #NEJM
ECG-Induced Koebner ... Derm #Psoriasis #Koebner
Pathergy versus Koebner

- Dr. Steven Chen https://twitter.com/DrStevenTChen

#Pathergy #Koebner #Versus #Comparison #Dermatology #Diagnosis
Pathergy versus Koebner ... #Pathergy #Koebner
ACA infarcts are rare because of the collateral circulation provided by the anterior communicating artery. ACA infarct
#cva #stroke #huebner
Papulosquamous Skin Rash - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Erythrematous or violaceous papules & plaques with overlying scale
Auspitz sign, Koebner's ... Wickham's striae, Koebner's
Genital Ulcers - Atypical causes of genital ulcers that can be difficult to diagnose & manage.
rash elsewhere; +Koebner