2102 results
Lacrimal Plug Granuloma Resection

By Ophthalmology Barcelona @ophthalmobcn

#Lacrimal #Plug #Granuloma #Resection #clinical #video #ophthalmology #SlitLamp
Lacrimal Plug Granuloma ... ophthalmobcn #Lacrimal ... Resection #clinical #video
Lacrimal Fistula - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Lacrimal #Fistula #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #ophthalmology
Lacrimal Fistula ... @oftalmopo #Lacrimal ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Congenital Dacryocystocele on Physical Exam

Caused by accumulation of fluid trapped within the lacrimal sac, blocked at
trapped within the lacrimal ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... ophthalmology #lacrimal
Worms in the Eye - He underwent thorough irrigation of the conjunctival sac and lacrimal duct,
conjunctival sac and lacrimal ... were removed (video
#Anatomy #Ophthalmology #EyelidInjury #Lacrimal #Gland #Ducts #System
LACRIMAL ANATOMY ... #EyelidInjury #Lacrimal
Periorbital Cellulitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
a. Dacryoadenitis: infection of the lacrimal glands
b. Conjunctivitis: inflammation of the
infection of the lacrimal ... infection of the lacrimal ... the junction of lacrimal
Atraumatic Red Eye - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Lids / Orbit / Lacrimal System:
 • Blepharitis
 • Stye
Lids / Orbit / Lacrimal
Slit Lamp Evaluation Mnemonic - L's & C's

Mnemonic for systematically assessing all portions of the eye,
(eyelashes) Lacrima
Approach to an Eye Exam

1. History
2. Obvious Physical Trauma
3. Initial Assessment
  A. Visual Acuity
Lids / Lashes/ Lacrimal
Proptosis - Differential Diagnosis - Unilateral vs Bilateral
 • Infections (can become bilateral with cavernous sinus
lung) - Lacrimal