3 results
Blurry Vision - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Anatomical Approach to Eye Disease:
1. Lids/Lashes
2. Extraocular Muscles/Motility
3. Conjunctiva/Sclera
4. Cornea
5. Anterior
Blurry Vision - Differential ... Vitreous 9. ... Retina 11. ... Ocular Adverse Effects ... nerve swelling Retina
Shafer's sign on Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Pigmented cells in the anterior vitreous, which is highly suggestive
a tear in the retina ... Schaffers #sign #pigment ... #Vitreous #Ocular ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... ophthalmology #SlitLamp
Shafer's sign on Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Shafer's sign in a patient with retinal detachment.

Dr. Sebastian Vega
a patient with retinal ... Shafers #sign #pigment ... #Vitreous #Ocular ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... ophthalmology #SlitLamp