54 results
Guidelines Directed medical therapy for Heart Failure 

Satyendra Dhar, MD, @DharSaty

#HFrEF #GDMT #sodium-glucosecotransporter-2inhibitors #SGLT2i #reninangiotensinaldosteronesysteminhibitors
DharSaty #HFrEF #GDMT ... MineralocorticoidReceptorAntagonist #LoopDiuretic
Nephron Remodeling as a Mechanism of Diuretic Resistance. When high doses of loop diuretics are used
Pathophysiology #Nephro #IM #LoopDiuretic ... NephronRemodeling #NEJM
Mechanisms of Loop Diuretic Action and Resistance. Panel A, loop diuretics circulate bound to protein. As
Pathophysiology #Nephro #IM #LoopDiuretic ... MechanismOfAction #Resistance #NEJM
Regression of Clubbing after Treatment of Lung Cancer #Clinical #PhysicalExam #Radiology #Clubbing #Regression #LungCancer #CT #NEJM
Regression #LungCancer #CT ... #NEJM
Emphysematous Prostatitis - Radiography of the kidney, ureter, and bladder showed an atypical focus of gas
computed tomography (CT ... Clinical #Radiology #CT ... #Prostatitis #NEJM
Urinary Tract Tuberculosis - Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen showed mild dilatation of the
computed tomography (CT ... excretory phase on CT ... Radiology #Pathology #CT ... AcidFastBacilli #Microscopy #NEJM
Pulsatile AAA on Abdominal Exam

A 66-year-old man presented with a 2-month history of abdominal bloating and
abdominal mass, which CT ... Clinical #Video #NJEM
Decompression Sickness - The physical examination revealed diffuse violaceous skin mottling over his trunk and arms
#Pneumatosis #CT ... #NEJM
Fournier’s Gangrene - Physical examination was notable for necrotic-appearing tissue in the scrotum and perineum, with
Clinical #Surgery #CT ... #Subcutaneous #NEJM
Laryngocele- ...On physical examination, he had nontender, compressible swelling in the left cervical region that transmitted
#NEJM #clinical ... laryngoscope #radiology #CT