11 results
COPD assessment and classification as proposed by GOLD 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2017 Reports. For further
Lung Disease; mMRC ... Staging #Severity #mMRC ... #FEV1FVC #mMRC
GOLD2017 - The refined ABCD assessment tool. FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital
Lung Disease; mMRC ... Classification #FEV1FVC #mMRC
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
 • COPD Definition
 • Role of PFTs
 • COPD Classification and
assessment (can use mMRC
Immunizations for People Living with HIV (PLWH)
 • HPV
 • Hepatitis
 • Influenza
 • Meningococcal
• Varicella • MMR
COPD Preferred Treatments - GOLD 2018 

COPD is a common progressive respiratory condition that can be
level (CAT or mMRC
Health Maintenance Checklist for Adult IBD Patients

Vaccine Preventable Diseases: Influenza (inactive), Pneumococcal PCV13, Pneumococcal PPSV23, Tdap,
, Hepatitis B, MMR
Asterixis due to Uremia on Physical Exam

29 year old male came in due to decreasing sensorium
and sCr 21.7 Marc
Combined Severe Aortic Stenosis and LV Outflow Tract Obstruction

- Marc Dweck @MarcDweck

#Clinical #Cardiology #CardiacMRI #AorticStenosis #LVOTO
Obstruction - Marc
Canon A waves in a patient with AV dissociation

Occurs due to the simultaneous contraction of atria
Marc Soco, MD @msocoMD
Cardiac LV Thrombus on Echocardiogram (A4C)
48 year old woman in ICU for acute ischemic limb. PMHx
Marc-Andre Blier