4 results
Preoperative Risk Evaluation

Major Pre-Op Questions:
1. Does the patient have any modifiable risk factors that could be
Evaluation Major ... specific questions to ask ... determine if stress test ... echo in the last year ... management for
Pectoralis Major Rupture Injury during Bench Press Exercise
CLINICAL: a rare injury patterns with typical sudden "tear/pop"
typical sudden "tear ... Likely need MRI. ... Inferior to operative management ... to competitive sports ... clinical #video #msk
Transverse Myelitis Overview

Focal inflammatory disorder of the spinal cord resulting in rapid onset of weakness, sensory
Presentation: Injury ... negative, MOG-IgG test ... Herpes zoster, West ... Transverse Myelitis Treatment ... Myelitis #diagnosis #management
Anaesthesia and 
peri-operative care for Jehovah's Witnesses and 
patients who refuse blood 

1. Patients should be
should be given a clear ... team looking after ... the time of the team ... administration for major ... Witnesses #Anesthesia #perioperative