7 results
Parasternal Short axis, fan proximal and look for Aortic Valve in a plane shows all three
coining the term "Mercedes ... AorticValve #Aorta #mercedes
Mercedes Benz sign
Radiological sign, a triradiate radiolucent shadow, characteristic of the automobile maker's trademark. In case
Mercedes Benz sign
Photophobia and Headache - Differential Diagnosis Framework

• The coexistence of photophobia and headache suggests the potential
Photophobia often precedes
Causes of Peripheral and Central Vertigo
1. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) - Short-lived (typically less
viral infection precedes
Aortoenteric Fistula - Diagnosis and Management Summary
• Uncommon but life-threatening
• Most common site of bowel connection
bleeding that precedes
Causes of ST Segment Elevation - Differential Diagnosis Framework

 • Upsloping convex STE: "Pardee's sign" +
- Pacing spike precedes
Hutchinson Sign - Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus 

Vesicles on the tip of the nose, or vesicles on
side of the nose, precedes