13 results

#diagnosis  #neumonology   #espirometria  #obstructivo  #spirometry  #medstudent  #CEM #pulmonary
spirometry # ... diagnosis #neumonology ... #obstructivo #spirometry
Forced vital capacity (FVC) curves comparing normal, obstructive, and restrictive disorders. Curves are as they appear
commonly available spirometers ... Diagnosis #Pulmonary #Spirometry
Simple flowchart guide to interpreting spirometry results.

#pfts #spirometry #algorithm #diagnosis #pulmonary
to interpreting spirometry ... #pfts #spirometry
COPD treatment

#management #CEM#medstudent#neumonology#COPD#epoc
Spirometry - PFT Interpretation Algorithm

- BWH Medicine Chiefs @BrighamChiefs

#Spirometry #PFTs #Interpretation #Algorithm #diagnosis #differential #pulmonary #function
Spirometry - PFT ... BrighamChiefs #Spirometry
Asthma vs COPD Presentation and Diagnosis
 • Epidemiology: Age usually < 45, History (personal or family)
Variably abnormal spirometry ... bronchodilator, Spirometry ... Persistently abnormal spirometry
Patterns of pulmonary dysfunction revealed by flow-volume loops. For comparison, a normal loop is shown with
Diagnosis #PFTs #Spirometry
Flow Volume Loops - Common Patterns
A. Normal
B. Emphysema
C. Unilateral Main Stem Bronchial Obstruction
D. Fixed Upper Airway
Diagnosis #PFTs #Spirometry
Chronic lung disease characterized by airway inflammation, airway and variable expiratory air flow obstruction
There are 2
Reversibility on spirometry
First-line therapies for Asthma, Asthma-COPD Overlap and COPD

The diagnosis of COPD, asthma, and ACO initially requires
symptoms, and spirometry