2554 results
CNS Ring-Enhancing Lesions - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Ring Completeness
 • Incomplete: Demyelinating Disease
 • Complete (MAGIC):
Diagnosis #neurology #neuroradiology
Patterns of Diseases on MRI FLAIR - Differential Diagnosis
ADEM, Adreno-leukodystrophy, CADASIL, CNS, Lymphoma, High-Grade Glioma, HIV
Differential #Diagnosis #neuroradiology
Differential diagnosis for toxic/metabolic encephalopathies - Patterns on Brain Imaging

Cynthia Czawlytko, MD @drcyncity

#Differential #diagnosis #encephalopathies #encephalopathy
Patterns on Brain Imaging ... encephalopathy #Brain #imaging
Posterior Fossa Abnormalities - Neuroradiology Differential Diagnosis
 - Mega Cisterna Magna
 - Pouch Cyst
 - Arachnoid
Abnormalities - Neuroradiology
Mesial Temporal Lobe Anatomy on MRI

Single slide practical anatomy overview of Mesial Temporal Lobe & connections
radiology #neurology #neuroradiology
Comparison of Common MRI Sequences - T1 vs T2 vs Flair
#MRI #basics #neuroradiology
Temporal Bone Imaging Anatomy - Middle Ear Cavity: Mesotympanum

by Dr. Surjith Vattoth @drSurjthVattoth

#Temporal #Bone #Imaging #Anatomy
Temporal Bone Imaging ... Temporal #Bone #Imaging ... #Mesotympanum #neuroradiology
Temporal Bone Imaging Anatomy - Facial Nerve

by Dr. Surjith Vattoth @drSurjthVattoth

#Temporal #Bone #Imaging #Anatomy #Facial #Nerve
Temporal Bone Imaging ... Temporal #Bone #Imaging ... Nerve #CN7 #CNVII #neuroradiology
Echocardiogram Windows - Nomenclature
Each view is described using three (3) components
1) Transducer Position or "Window"
Echocardiographic Imaging ... #Nomenclature #POCUS
X-ray limitations
It’s important to know the limitations of X-rays so we can correctly interpret them in
consider better imaging—from ... Care UltraSound (POCUS