61 results
Paxlovid Drug-Drug Interactions
Before prescribing ritonavir-boosted nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid) for outpatient treatment of COVID-19, determine whether the patient
ritonavir-boosted nirmatrelvir ... #Paxlovid #nirmatrelvir ... COVID #outpatient #contraindications
Contraindications to Thrombolytics

#Thrombolysis #Diagnosis #Management #Contraindications #Thrombolytics #TPA #STEMI #Stroke #CVA #Absolute #Relative
Contraindications ... Diagnosis #Management #Contraindications
Arterial Lines in Anesthesia - Surgery and Patient Indications and Contraindications

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH
Indications and Contraindications ... #Indications #Contraindications
Summary for providing acute non-invasive ventilation (NIV)

- Indications for NIV
- Contraindications for NIV
- NIV Setup
Indications for NIV - Contraindications ... NoinvansiveVentilation #Protocol #Contraindications
Summary table of mechanism of action, side effect and contraindications of commonly used diabetic drugs. 

side effect and contraindications
Indications and absolute vs relative contraindications and outcomes for VV-ECMO and VA-ECMO together with @ELSOOrg guidelines
absolute vs relative contraindications ... #Indications #Contraindications
High yield pharmacology notes
#pharmacology #contraindication #medications #Pulmonology #asthma #copd
#pharmacology #contraindication
Non-Invasive Ventilation (BiPAP) Algorithm - Indications and Contraindications
Indications for NIV:
 • COPD - pH <7.35, pCO2
Indications and Contraindications ... and somnolent Contraindications ... #indications #contraindications
Contraindications to Resection of Non Small cell lung cancer(NSCLC).
#NSCLC #lungcancer #surgery
Cardiac Stress Testing
 • Everyone who can exercise should!
 • They must be able to raise
vasodilation - Contraindications ... agonist - Contraindications