15 results
Common causes of sciatica. Disc herniation is the commonest cause. Spondylolisthesis can cause impingement #Anatomy #Pathophys
impingement #Anatomy #Pathophys ... Spondylolisthesis #Herniation #BackPain ... #BMJ
Visual summary: Managing low back pain and sciatica #Management #EM #PrimaryCare #BackPain #LowBackPain #Sciatica #BMJ
#PrimaryCare #BackPain ... LowBackPain #Sciatica #BMJ
Paediatric inguinal hernia #Pathophys #Anatomy #Peds #InguinalHernia #Hydrocele #ScrotalDescent #ProcessusVaginalis #TunicaVaginalis #BMJ
inguinal hernia #Pathophys ... TunicaVaginalis #BMJ
Main types of organ-specific injuries after an electric shock #Diagnosis #Pathophys #EM #Burn #IM #ElectricShock #ElectricalInjury
shock #Diagnosis #Pathophys ... ElectricalInjury #BMJ
The components of the adrenal gland and consequences of excess hormone production #Pathophys #MedStudent #Conn #Cushing
hormone production #Pathophys ... #Reticularis #BMJ
Turbulent airflow caused by hypertrophied tonsillar and adenoid tissue #PatientInfo #Pathophys #Anatomy #PrimaryCare #ENT #Peds #SleepApnea
#PatientInfo #Pathophys ... Adenoids #Turbulence #BMJ
Sequelae of HPV infection and preventive strategies #Pathophys #PrimaryCare #Obgyn #HPV #Pathogenesis #Screening #Prevention #BMJ
preventive strategies #Pathophys ... Screening #Prevention #BMJ
Causes of Back Pain - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Always assess for red flags. If no red flags,
neuromotor deficits, nocturnal ... Osteoarthritis #BackPain
Pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease #Pathophys #PrimaryCare #IM #GI #IBD #BMJ
bowel disease #Pathophys ... #IM #GI #IBD #BMJ
Proposed molecular pathogenic pathway of eosinophilic esophagitis. #Pathophys #GI #EosinophilicEsophagitis #Eosinophilia #BMJ
#Pathophys #GI # ... #Eosinophilia #BMJ