4 results
Tailoring Vasopressors to a Patient's Physiology

Overall, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and vasopressin are all supported by evidence as
Tailoring Vasopressors ... possible that the best ... physiology #Management ... #CriticalCare # ... #Algorithm #FirstLine
Vasopressors Demystified

Shock comes in many flavors and so do vasopressors. Here’s a OnePager summarizing my approach
Vasopressors Demystified ... flavors and so do vasopressors ... #Basics #CriticalCare ... #Management #Pharmacology ... #Comparison #Inotropes
Antidepressant Medications Decision Aid
 - The choice of depression medications in primary care is difficult as
- The best evidence ... #Management #PatientInfo ... PrimaryCare #Psychiatry #DecisionAid ... Antidepressants #Comparison ... SNRIs #Selection #Pharmacology
Vasopressors and Inotropes
 • Norepinephrine - Levophed - "Levo" - Generally thought of as the first
Vasopressors and ... #Inotropes #management ... #criticalcare # ... summary #comparison ... #table #pharmacology