7553 results
"ABCDE" mnemonic of lesions suspicious for melanoma

Image Source: Scholes, Melissa A., and Vijay R. Ramakrishnan. 2016.
#diagnosis #differential ... #physicalexam # ... otolaryngology #
Spider in external ear canal


#Spider #external #ear #canal #EAC #auditory #insect #clinical #video #otoscopy #physicalexam #otology
video #otoscopy #physicalexam ... #otology #otolaryngology
Quincke's Disease - Isolated Uvula Angioedema

By Dr. Ajay Jain

#Quinckes #Disease #Edema #Uvula #Uvulitis #Angioedema #uvular #clinical
clinical #video #otolaryngology ... #physicalexam #
Meniere Disease - Endolymphatic hydrops - TRIAD 
1 Episodic vertigo (a true spinning sensation) 
2 Sensorineural
Endolymphatic #hydrops #Otolaryngology ... #Diagnosis #Management
Web chart of etiologies related to neoplastic neck masses.

#pediatrics #differential #neoplastic #head #neck #masses #otolaryngology #ent
#neck #masses #otolaryngology ... #ent #cancer #diagnosis
Thyroid Goiter in Severe Hypothyroidism on Neck Physical Examination

TSH 124. Hashimoto’s, lost to care and thyroid
Thyroid #Mass #Neck #PhysicalExam ... endocrinology #Hashimotos #otolaryngology
Vestibular Schwannoma (Acoustic Neuroma) 
 • Hearing loss and tinnitus (Cochlear nerve) 
 • Ataxia
Acoustic #Neuroma #Diagnosis ... #Otolaryngology
Anterior Neck Triangle Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Anterior #Neck #Triangle #Anatomy #Otolaryngology
Triangle #Anatomy #Otolaryngology
Larynx and Thyroid Nerves - Innervation Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Larynx #Thyroid #Nerves #Innervation #Anatomy #otolaryngology
Innervation #Anatomy #otolaryngology
Submandibular Neck Triangle Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Submandibular #Neck #Triangle #Anatomy #Otolaryngology
Triangle #Anatomy #Otolaryngology