537 results
Ascaris Lumbricoides (Roundworm) on Colonoscopy

#Ascaris #Lumbricoides #Ascariasis #Roundworm #Colonoscopy #clinical #gastroenterology #parasite
Colonoscopy #clinical #gastroenterology ... #parasite
Causes of Biliary Dilatation - Differential Diagnosis
 • Physiological: ↑ Age, Cholecystectomy, Opioid dependence, Post-sphincterotomy
Ampullary stenosis, Parasitic ... diagnosis #hepatology #gastroenterology
Fasciola Hepatica Extraction on ERCP
Young female with obstructive jaundice.

Dr. Abdullah Delmany

#Fasciola #Hepatica #ERCP #gastroenterology #clinical #extraction
Hepatica #ERCP #gastroenterology ... clinical #extraction #parasites
Ancylostoma duodenale (Hookworm) Infection on Endoscopy 
Unwanted heavy load of guests in prepyloric region, and duodenum
EGD #clinical #gastroenterology ... #parasites
Liver Flukes on ERCP
Here are liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica) extracted from the bile duct during ERCP
Fasciola #hepatica #parasites ... clinical #EGD #ERCP #gastroenterology
Gastrodiscoides hominis (Colonic Flukes) on Colonoscopy

This special species was found in the right colon and caecum
clinical #endoscopy #gastroenterology ... #fluke #parasite
Ascariasis Infection and Extraction on Endoscopy
15 year old male having severe pain abdomen, periumbilical, radiating to
#EGD #Ascaris #parasite ... #gastroenterology
Liver Flukes on Endoscopy
Here are liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica) extracted from the bile duct during ERCP
Fasciola #hepatica #parasites ... EGD #Endoscopy #gastroenterology
Causes of Intestinal Obstruction - Differential Diagnosis
Lesions Extrinsic to the Intestinal Wall:
 • Adhesions: Postoperative, Congenital,
, Phytobezoar, Parasite ... bowel #Causes #gastroenterology
Biliary Ascariasis - Balloon Extraction on Endoscopy/ERCP

8 years old patient with acute pancreatitis and a MRCP
#EGD #Ascaris #parasite ... #gastroenterology