183 results
Nodal Lymphomas of T Follicular Helper Cell Origin - Comparison
 • Angioimmunoblastic T-cell Lymphoma
 • Follicular
HelperCell #Comparison #pathology ... #hemepath #diagnosis
A summary of GI Lymphomas - Primary Lymphoid Neoplasms of the GI Tract
GITract #hematology #hemepath ... #pathology #differential
Borrelia recurrentis Infection - Spirochetes were visible (arrows), a finding that suggested louseborne relapsing fever #Clinical
fever #Clinical #Pathology ... Smear #Microscopy #NEJM
Excoriated papules with honey-colored crusting were present on the abdomen, back (Panel A), arms, and legs.
Clinical #Derm #Pathology ... Microscopy #Rash #NEJM
PCI in Acute MI with Cardiogenic Shock. #EBM #Cardiology #CULPRITSHOCK #PCI #VisualAbstract #NEJM
#EBM #Cardiology ... VisualAbstract #NEJM
Disseminated Cysticercosis - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head revealed diffuse hyperintense septated cystic lesions
#Clinical #Radiology ... #Pathology #MRI ... Solium #Microscopy #NEJM
Urinary Tract Tuberculosis - Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen showed mild dilatation of the
D) #Clinical #Radiology ... #Pathology #CT ... AcidFastBacilli #Microscopy #NEJM
B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia/Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
 - Primarily a disease of childhood, 75% <6 yo
 - Increased
Leukemia #Lymphoma #hemepath ... #pathology #prognosis
Differential diagnosis for toxic/metabolic encephalopathies - Patterns on Brain Imaging

Cynthia Czawlytko, MD @drcyncity

#Differential #diagnosis #encephalopathies #encephalopathy
MRI #Neurology #pathology ... #diseases #radiology
Hemopericardium - Autopsy of Cardiac Tamponade

By @CardioSurgPost

#Hemopericardium #Autopsy #gross #pathology #tamponade #pericardial #effusion #thoracic #cardiology #heart
Autopsy #gross #pathology ... effusion #thoracic #cardiology