784 results
Lyme Disease Pearls

Epidemiology: Ixodes scapularis carrying borrelia 
have spread and are now found in 
growing areas
Lyme Disease Pearls ... antibiotics for early ... doxycycline in kids <8 years ... #LymeDisease #Pearls
General overview of lung diseases. 

#diagnosis #causes #lung #disease #restrictive #obstructive #pulmonary #respiratory #pearls #ddxof
#respiratory #pearls
Web chart of etiologies related to inflammatory head and neck masses.

#pediatrics #peds #differential #causes #pearls #head
differential #causes #pearls
Tapioca Pearls (Boba) on Gastric POCUS and CT (Incidental finding)
15 y/o male with abdominal pain without
Tapioca Pearls ( ... ACEPNow #Tapioca #Pearls
Admitting in the ICU - Checklist
VITALS: If bad, stop and go see the patient immediately; you
Admissions #ICU #Pearls
Acute Myocardial Infarction - Biomarker time course

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #AcuteMyocardialInfarction #AMI #Biomarkers #Enzymes #Troponins #CKMB #Trends #Peaks
#CKMB #Trends #Peaks
Insulin Analogs - Short, Intermediate and Long Acting - Onset, Peak, Duration

#Diabetes #Insulin #Analogs #Onset #Duration
Onset #Duration #Peaks
The principles of insulin adjustment guidance - Schematic diagram of insulin onset and time action profiles
Analogs #Duration #Peaks
The graph illustrates the differences in the onset and duration of action for various types of
Analogs #Duration #Peaks
Acute Myocardial Infarction - Biomarker time course 
#Diagnosis #Cardiology #AcuteMyocardialInfarction #AMI #Biomarkers #Enzymes #Troponins #CKMB #Myoglobin
Myoglobin #Trends #Peaks