65 results
Suggested diagnostic algorithm for neonate with suspected esophageal atresia +/- tracheoesophageal fistula.

Image Source: De Virgilio, C.,
algorithm for neonate ... #surgery; #pediatricsurgery ... feedingintolerance; #neonate
Approach to the neonate with jaundice

#Diagnosis #Peds #Pediatrics #Neonatal #Jaundice #Algorithm #Differential #Workup

** GrepMed Recommended Text:
Approach to the neonate ... Peds #Pediatrics #Neonatal
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of Suspected Congenital Heart Disease in Neonates

Neonates with undiagnosed congenital
Heart Disease in Neonates ... Neonates with ... Evaluation #Management #Neonates ... #Neonatal #Peds
Crashing Neonate Algorithm
#Management #Peds #Crashing #Neonate #Algorithm #PEMSource
Crashing Neonate ... Peds #Crashing #Neonate
PocketPEM - Crashing Neonate
#Management	#Peds #EM	#Crashing #Neonate #PocketCard #PocketPEM
PocketPEM - Crashing Neonate ... #EM #Crashing #Neonate
How can we break down the differential diagnosis of bilious emesis in infants by age?

Image Source:
#surgery; #pediatricsurgery
The Critically Ill Neonate 

(For infants <28 days, corrected age)

#Neonate #NICU #CriticalCare #Peds #Pediatrics #Critical #Crashing
Critically Ill Neonate ... corrected age) #Neonate
Intestinal Peristalsis seen on Abdominal Physical Exam

Visible intestinal peristalsis seen in a neonate

#Intestinal #Peristalsis #PhysicalExam #clinical
peristalsis seen in a neonate ... video #pediatrics #neonate
PocketPEM - CPR - Compressions, Cycle #Management #Peds #EM #PICU #CPR #Neonate #Infant #PocketCard #PocketPEM
EM #PICU #CPR #Neonate
Rapid Assessment of the Neonate With Sonography (RANS) Scan

Recommended algorithm for RANS scan. 
* Abnormal vital
Assessment of the Neonate ... POCUS #Sonography #Neonate