7493 results
The Development of Antimicrobial Resistance - Antibiotics Timeline

IDSA Faces of Antimicrobial Resistance (FOAR) Report

#Antibiotics #Antimicrobial #Resistance
Timeline #History #Policy
Which Physicians are Most Burned Out?  By Specialty 2017

Medscape Lifestyle Report 2017

#Policy #Physician #Doctor #Burnout
Report 2017 #Policy
Alternatives to opioids for pain management in the emergency department decreases opioid usage and maintains patient
Pathways #Table #MSK ... Migraine #Headache #Colic
How herd immunity works - By Theotheredmun

#PatientInfo #Pathophysiology #Policy #Peds #Pediatrics #Herd #Immunity #Vaccination #Spread
Pathophysiology #Policy
Patient Rating of physician attire across preference domains

#Policy #Physician #Doctor #Attire #Clothing #Rating #Patient #Preferences #Professionalism
preference domains #Policy
Jugular Venous Pulse - POLICE Mnemonic - How to tell JVP from carotid pulse
P - Palpation:
Venous Pulse - POLICE ... Venous #Pulse #JVP #POLICE
Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials

A more complete picture: contrasting the journal version of antidepressant trials with
NEJMsa065779 #Policy
Differential of Abdominal Pain - by Character and Timing of Pain:

Inflammatory, Colicky and Catastrophic

#Diagnosis #AbdominalPain #Colicky
Inflammatory, Colicky ... AbdominalPain #Colicky
Causes of Low Back Pain - Differential Diagnosis
Intrinsic Spine: Lumbar strain, Herniated nucleus pulposus, Compression fracture,
Retroperitoneal - renal colic ... #primarycare #msk
Timeline of Antibiotic Deployment and Development of Antibiotic Resistance

The year each antibiotic was deployed is depicted
antibiotic has lost all clinical ... Deployment #History #Policy