2201 results
Hypertension in Pregnancy - Classification

Elevation in blood pressure >140 mmHg systolic, or >90 mmHg diastolic.

1) Chronic
damage. 4) Eclampsia ... #Preeclampsia #Eclampsia
Typical medications used in the acute phase include nifedipine, labetalol, and hydralazine, with ACOG suggesting that
Obstetrics #Obgyn #Eclampsia
Gestational Hypertension & Preeclampsia

Gestational Hypertension (gHTN) 
• BP > 140/90 
• Onset > 20 wks gestation
visual symptoms Eclampsia
Diagnostic Criteria for Preeclampsia and Severe Preclampsia (in Red)

> 140 mm Hg systolic or >90 mm
Preeclampsia and Severe Preclampsia
Preeclampsia - This is classically defined as the new onset of hypertension and either proteinuria or
severe preeclampsia are
Preeclampsia checklist

- Dr. Josh Farkas @PulmCrit

#Preeclampsia #Checklist #Treatment #Management #CriticalCare #Gynecology #OBGyn
Preeclampsia checklist - Dr. Josh Farkas @PulmCrit #Preeclampsia #Checklist #Treatment #Management #CriticalCare #Gynecology #OBGyn
POCUS in Preeclampsia - Visual Abstract
What is the prevalence of abnormalities diagnosed on POCUS in women
POCUS in Preeclampsia - Visual Abstract What is the prevalence of abnormalities diagnosed on POCUS in women with late-onset preeclampsia with severe features? Prevalence of Abnormal Ultrasound Findings ≥1 - 59% ≥2 - 23% Most Common Abnormalities: - Diastolic Dysfunction (33%) - ↑ ONSD (28%) - ↑ LVEDP (25%) - B-lines (24%) Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31094790/ Full UltrasoundGEL Podcast Episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/pocus-in-preeclampsia/id1146063559?i=1000430097111 #Preeclampsia #POCUS #ultrasound #diagnosis #ebm #visualabstract #obstetrics #obgyn
Hypertension in Pregnancy - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Pre-existing Hypertension - Before Pregnancy OR <20 weeks gestational age
Diagnosis Algorithm Pre-existing ... Hypertension with Pre-Eclampsia ... Hypertension with Pre-Eclampsia ... • Pre-Eclampsia ... Seizures/Coma - Eclampsia
Causes of Hypermagnesemia
Increased magnesium load
 - Magnesium-containing laxatives, antacids, or enemas
 - Treatment of pre-edampsia/eclampsia (mothers
- Treatment of pre-edampsia ... /eclampsia (mothers
Hypertensive Emergency and Hypertensive Crisis - Blood Pressure Targets
 • Hypertensive Emergency
 • Ischemic Stroke (w/
• Pregnancy (pre-eclampsia