9 results
The arrows point to a subendocardial region with poor contrast enhancement due to ischemia. This is
#Clinical #EM #IM ... Cardiology #Radiology #CTChest
Type 1 Second-degree AV block, also known as Mobitz I or Wenckebach periodicity, is almost always
#Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #MedStudent
Type 1 Second-degree AV block, also known as Mobitz I or Wenckebach periodicity, is almost always
#Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #MedStudent
Romosozumab or Alendronate for Fracture Prevention in Women with Osteoporosis - Incidence of New Vertebral, Clinical,
New Vertebral, Clinical ... Nonvertebral Fracture #EBM ... #PrimaryCare #Endo ... #IM #Romosozumab
The guide catheter was deliberately not engaged with the left main artery, as an occlusion was
from the aortic root ... #Clinical #EM #IM
This is a parasternal long axis view of a young patient presenting with 3 days of
He had no chest ... pain, a normal chest ... Michael Macias, EM ... Northwestern University #Clinical ... #EM #Radiology
The arrows point to the inferior subendocardium.  It is dark because there is low contrast
#Clinical #EM #IM ... Cardiology #Radiology #CTChest
Mobitz II heart block is characterized on a surface ECG by intermittently nonconducted P waves not
#Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #MedStudent
Chest radiography showed perihilar opacities in both lungs with free air in the mediastinum (Panel A,
Chest radiography ... #Clinical #PCC # ... IM #EM #Pneumomediastinum