29 results
Calcium Channel Blockers - Dihydropyridines vs Non-Dihydropyridines
Dihydropyridines (amlodipine, felodipine, nifedipine, nicardipine)
 • SVR: Decrease
 • Inotropy:
: No effect • Dromotropy ... Chronotropy: Slows • Dromotropy
Abnormalities of the Arterial Pulse and Pressure Waves.
 - Small, Weak Pulses 
 - Large, Boundlng
Pressure #Waveforms #ALine ... #ArtLine #Bisferiens
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)

Average arterial pressure throughout one cardiac cycle, systole, and diastole. 
Surrogate indicator of
the chronotropy, dromotropy ... #chronotropy #dromotropy ... #lusitropy #Pulsepressure
Rough schematic outline of the arterial tree

Dr. Amanyu @melodicscalpel

#Arterial #Tree #Arteries #Artery #Map #Schematic #Outline
Rough schematic outline ... Map #Schematic #Outline
Arterial Lines in Anesthesia - Surgery and Patient Indications and Contraindications

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH
Arterial #Lines #ArtLines
Arterial Lines - Abnormal Arterial Waveforms:
 - Underdampened: Falsely High BP - Adjust monitor filter settings
Team @FOAMfrat #artline
Arterial Line (A-Line) Supply Checklist 

by Dr. Lizzy Hastie @LizzyHastie

#ArterialLine #ALine #Supply #Checklist #supplies #management
#ArterialLine #ALine
Mean arterial pressure (MAP)

A common method used to estimate the MAP is the following formula:
meanarterialpressure #pulsepressure
Dyspnea. A systems based approach from @DocMartins94
The workup of a patient with dyspnea (shortness of breath)
Here is a general outline
Starting a new series for M3/4s & interns with @Noor4Neurology on some guidance before you consult
Here is a general outline