1474 results
Identifying, referring and managing spondyloarthritis #Management #PrimaryCare #Rheum #Spondyloarthritis #BMJ
spondyloarthritis #Management #PrimaryCare ... #Rheum #Spondyloarthritis
Guidance for Primary Care: Identifying and referring spondyloarthritis #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Rheum #Spondyloarthritis #BMJ
spondyloarthritis #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare ... #Rheum #Spondyloarthritis
Acne treatment algorithm suggested by Gollnick et al - Mild Moderate and Severe Acne
#Management #Dermatology #PrimaryCare
Acne treatment algorithm ... #Dermatology #PrimaryCare ... #Acne #Treatment
Asthma algorithm based on GINA guidelines

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#management #algorithm #primarycare #respirology #asthma #treatment #decisionaid
management #algorithm #primarycare ... respirology #asthma #treatment
A System for Vasculitides 

#Diagnosis #IM #Rheum #Vasculitis #Small #Medium #Large #Vessel #Size #Classification #ANCA #Differential
Diagnosis #IM #Rheum
Suggested algorithm for using non-hormonal treatment for a patient with problematic menopausal symptoms #Management #PrimaryCare #Obgyn
using non-hormonal treatment ... symptoms #Management #PrimaryCare
AAFP Severity-based approach to treating acne.

#Management #Dermatology #PrimaryCare #Acne #Algorithm #Treatment
#Dermatology #PrimaryCare ... Acne #Algorithm #Treatment
Restless Legs Syndrome Augmentation treatment algorithm #Management #PrimaryCare #Neuro #RestlessLegsSyndrome #RestlessLegs #Augmentation #Algorithm #BMJ
Syndrome Augmentation treatment ... algorithm #Management #PrimaryCare
Clinical and patient management and treatment of lymphoedema #PatientInfo #Management #PrimaryCare #Lymphedema #NonSurgical #BreastCancer #BMJ
management and treatment ... PatientInfo #Management #PrimaryCare
Clinical signs in hands of rheumatoid arthritis: ulnar deviation, swan-neck and boutonnière deformity.

#clinical #photo #rheum
clinical #photo #rheum