51 results
Dueling analgo-sedative ladders for intubated COVID patients

Dr. Josh Farkas @pulmcirt - Internet Book of Critical Care
Dueling analgo-sedative ... analgesia #sedation #sedatives
A toxidrome is a syndrome (set of symptoms) caused by specific medications or toxins.

There are 5
methylphenidate (Ritalin) - Sedative-Hypnotic ... Sympathomimetics #Sedatives
Toxidromes Compared: Anticholinergic, Cholinergic, Opioid, Sympathomimetic, Sedative-Hypnotic

During your physical exam, look for evidence of some of
Sympathomimetic, Sedative-Hypnotic ... sympathomimetic or sedative-hypnotic ... Sympathomimetics #Sedatives
Sedative-Hypnotic Visual Decision Aid

What would happen if 100 people over 60 years of age take sleeping
Sedative-Hypnotic ... #Management #Sedatives
Running out of Analgesia and Sedation Medications due to #COVID19?  Anand Swaminathan, MD has put
medications #sedation #sedative
Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs
 - Bind to specific GABAA receptor subunits at central nervous system (CNS) neuronal synapses
Sedative-Hypnotic ... depression with sedative-hypnotic ... drugs #Sedative
Misinterpretation of Urine Toxicology Screen - False Positives and Negatives

Dr. Y. Jay Lin @JayLin3455

#Urine #Toxicology #UTox
Positives and Negatives ... False #Positives #Negatives
 • Anticholinergic
 • Cholinergic
 • Sympathomimetic
 • Sedative-Hypnotic
 • Opioid

by Dr. Lizzy Hastie @LizzyHastie

#Toxidromes #diagnosis
Sympathomimetic • Sedative-Hypnotic
An Algorithm for the Management of Sedative-Hypnotic Withdrawal

#Alcohol #Algorithm #Withdrawal #Benzodiazepine #management #treatment
Management of Sedative-Hypnotic
Pain, Agitation, and Delirium (PAD) in the ICU
Addressing the ICU Triad (PAD) can be accomplished through
also be dosed PO Sedative ... line non-benzo sedative ... used as first sedative ... pulm secretions Sedatives