272 results
Atopy and Antiallergy Therapy

#Atopy #Antiallergy #Therapy #Pathophysiology #Allergy #Omalizumab
Atopy and Antiallergy ... Therapy #Atopy
Elmhurst Hospital Awake Proning Instructions in English/Spanish 

1) Lying on your belly (30m-2h) 
2) Lying on
Instructions in English/Spanish ... Coronavirus #SARSCOV2 #spanish
Table 3. Antidotes that may be used in cardiac arrest (The A to P of treatment
used in cardiac arrest ... Antidotes #Cardiac #Arrest ... #AtoP #ABCs #Table
Paediatric Arrest
 - Strata5

#Peds #Paediatrics #Pediatrics #Management #ACLS #PALS #Arrest #Advanced #LifeSupport #WETFLAG #Mnemonic #Algorithm
Paediatric Arrest ... Management #ACLS #PALS #Arrest
NAACP mnemonic for the major causes of Eosinophilia 
N = Neoplasia (CML, Hodgkins lymphoma) 
A =
A = Allergy / Atopy
Simplified Algorithm for cardiac arrest (Adapted from ACLS 2010) 

#Management #ACLS #LifeSupport #Cardiac #Arrest #Algorithm #HsTs
Algorithm for cardiac arrest ... LifeSupport #Cardiac #Arrest
Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy In-Hospital ACLS Algorithm
Potential Etiology of Maternal Cardiac Arrest:
A - Anesthetic complications
B -
Cardiac Arrest in ... Maternal Cardiac Arrest ... causes of cardiac arrest ... Pregnant #Cardiac #Arrest
Hypothermic Cardiac Arrest Management

By Dr. Sarah Foohey @SarahFoohey

#Hypothermic #Cardiac #Arrest #Management #Hypothermia
Hypothermic Cardiac Arrest ... Hypothermic #Cardiac #Arrest
PEA Arrest Algorithm incorporating POCUS

- by Mark Ramzy DO, EMT-P @MRamzyDO

#PEA #Arrest #Algorithm #POCUS #Diagnosis #Narrow
PEA Arrest Algorithm ... MRamzyDO #PEA #Arrest
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons protocol poster for the resuscitation of patients who arrest after cardiac
of patients who arrest ... PostCardiac #Surgery #Arrest