121 results
Suprasternal notch (SSN) window of the aorta on POCUS

Dr. Robert Jones @RJonesSonoEM

#Suprasternal #notch #window #View #aorta
Suprasternal notch (SSN ... POCUS #anatomy #SSN
Suprasternal Notch View on POCUS with Labeled Anatomy

by Dr. Nicolas Merke @NMerke

#Suprasternal #Notch #SSN #POCUS #Labeled
Suprasternal #Notch #SSN
Suprasternal notch view of Type A aortic dissection on POCUS

Dr. Stephen Alerhand @SAlerhand

#Suprasternal #notch #SSN #TypeA
Suprasternal #notch #SSN
Aortic Dissection on Suprasternal Notch View - POCUS


Don't forget about this view! Look
Ultrasound #TypeA #SSN
True and False Lumens of Aortic Dissection Flap on POCUS (SSN View)
Suprasternal view shows aortic dissection
Flap on POCUS (SSN ... Lumens #POCUS #SSN
Type A Aortid Dissection - Suprasternal View

Type A Aortic Dissection (TAD), present on this suprasternal view
#Aorta #POCUS #SSN
Aortic Dissection on Suprasternal Notch View - POCUS

Suprasternal POCUS of the aortic arch dramatically changing a
Aorta #Ultrasound #SSN
Aortic Dissection on Suprasternal Notch View - POCUS

Eric Abrams, MD @eabramsMD

#Aortic #Dissection #Suprasternal #Notch #Clinical #POCUS
Aorta #Ultrasound #SSN
Aortic Atheroma on Suprasternal Notch View

Ivan Stankovic, MD, PhD @Ivan_Echocardio

#Aortic #Atheroma #Suprasternal #Notch #ssn #echocardiogram #pocus
Suprasternal #Notch #ssn
Right pulmonary artery thrombus as seen from the suprasternal view in a patient with pulmonary embolism
embolism #thrombus #SSN