10 results
The recommended approach to the initiation of statin therapy in hyperlipidemia. 

-Lovastatin 20 mg
-Pravastatin 10-20 mg

hyperlipidemia #statintherapy ... atheroscleroticcardiovasculardisease #ascvd
Diabetes Type 2 Medication Management and Titration Algorithm
- First line therapy is metformin and comprehensive lifestyle
- Established ASCVD ... Without established ASCVD
Selected Clinical Trials of SGLT2 inhibitors in CVD and CKD
EMPA-REG OUTCOME - Empagliflozin lowered CV events
events in T2DM + ASCVD ... events in T2DM + ASCVD ... or ASCVD risk; ... MACE, in T2DM + ASCVD ... or ASCVD risk.
Mesenteric Ischemia - Differential Diagnostic Schema
Chronic: ASCVD, Venous, Vasculitides 5% (PAN, [E]GPA, IgA, MPA)
 - Venous
Schema Chronic: ASCVD ... hypo-/akinesis), ASCVD ... failure, Dissection, ASCVD
ABCDE of Primary ASCVD Prevention: Lifestyle Changes and Team-Based Care - Checklist
A – Antiplatelet Therapy
B –
ABCDE of Primary ASCVD ... #PrimaryCare #ASCVD
ABCDE of Primary Prevention: Lifestyle Changes and Team-Based Care - Checklist
A – Antiplatelet Therapy
B – Blood
#PrimaryCare #ASCVD
The Evidence for Aspirin - Visual Abstract

Three new aspirin trials in three different populations: 
Moderate Risk (ASCVD
Patient factors influencing the selection Of glucose-lowering drugs Other than SGLT2i and metformin in T2D and
alpha-glucosidase inhibitor: ASCVD
AACE/ACE ASCVD Risk Factor Modifications Algorithm

#ASCVD #RiskFactor #Modifications #Algorithm #Management #AACE
AACE/ACE ASCVD Risk ... Modifications Algorithm #ASCVD
GLP-1 Medications: Ozempic vs. Trulicib (semaglutide vs. dulaglutide) 

From my experience, Ozempic and Trulicity are the
patients who have ASCVD