664 results
Surgeon's Knot - Surgery Knot Tying Practice

Tying a two handed surgeon’s knot (when you have some
Surgeon's Knot - ... Tying a two handed surgeon ... drdevirgilio #surgeons
Toxidromes Compared: Anticholinergic, Cholinergic, Opioid, Sympathomimetic, Sedative-Hypnotic

During your physical exam, look for evidence of some of
, it's general surgeon ... Toxicology #Toxidromes #Comparison
Scalpel Blade Types - Common Surgical Instruments
Used for initial incision and cutting tissue. Consists of a
Surgeons often refer ... types #blades #comparison
Surgeon's Knot
Surgeon’s knot adds extra twist, makes 1st knot more secure when there’s wound tension, for
Surgeon's Knot ... Surgeon’s knot adds ... drdevirgilio #Surgeons
Tying a Surgeon's Knot

- Dr. Luis Felipe Cabrera Vargas @PipeCabreraV

#Surgeons #Knots #Surgery #Tying #clinical #video
Tying a Surgeon's ... PipeCabreraV #Surgeons
Instrument Tied Surgeon's Knot - Knot Tying

Dr Luis Felipe Cabrera Vargas MD @PipeCabreraV

#Surgeons #Instrument #Knot #Tying
Instrument Tied Surgeon's ... PipeCabreraV #Surgeons
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons protocol poster for the resuscitation of patients who arrest after cardiac
Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Hypotension in Anesthesiology - Differential Diagnosis and Management 

Initial checklist: 
 - Verify BP (e.g. surgeon
Verify BP (e.g. surgeon ... oxygenation) - Inform surgeon
Cauda Equina Syndrome:

Top tips to save your arse (and your patient’s!)

1. Suspect? Investigate. If CES (threatened,
’t call spinal surgeons
Effective radiation dose in adults - Following are comparisons of effective radiation dose in adults with
Following are comparisons ... #CT #Nuclear #Comparison