2680 results
Acute coronary syndrome and infarctions - Lead Localization 

#ECG #EKG #LocalizationMap #Coronary #Artery #Electrocardiogram #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Electrocardiogram #Diagnosis #Cardiology ... #Territory #Lead
ECG distribution corresponding to RWMA territories. Anterior RWMA corresponds to left anterior descending artery. Inferior RWMA
Electrocardiogram #Diagnosis #Cardiology ... #Territory
Figure 2: Anatomical description of coronary perfusion in the A) PLAX, B) PSAX, and C) A4C.

#Diagnosis #Cardiology ... Artery #Perfusion #Territory
Aortic Root Sign

The aortic root sign an anomalous circumflex coronary artery (ACCA) that emerges from the
normal vascular territory ... Aortic #Root #Sign #cardiology
Huge mural thrombus occupying 1/3 the LV.
MI effecting [LAD territory]

In PLAX view, The unechoic line between
effecting [LAD territory ... Thrombus #clinical #cardiology
Large Mobile Left Atrial Thrombus on Transesophageal Echocardiogram

Female, 78 yo. HT & DM2. Admitted for severe
deficit in MCA territory ... Transesophageal #Ultrasound #Cardiology
Stroke Blood Vessel Localization and corresponding territories on MRI

by Jeremy Heit, MD, PhD @JeremyHeitMDPHD

#Stroke #CVA #Localization
#BloodVessel #Territory ... Territories #MRI #Radiology
The middle cerebral artery territory is the most commonly affected territory in a cerebral infarction, due
cerebral artery territory ... commonly affected territory ... the size of the territory ... in anterior MCA territory
Stroke Territories and Resulting Syndromes and Effects

#Stroke #CVA #Territories #Territory #Syndromes #Effects #Diagnosis #Localization
#Territories #Territory
Stroke Territory Localization and Blood Vessel Supply
ACA (Anterior Cerebral Artery)
 - Leg weakness/numbness
MCA Superior Divison
Stroke Territory ... #Territories #territory