2244 results
POCUS - Regional Anesthesia - Upper Limb Local Nerve Blocks

 - Interscalene
 - Supraclavicular
 - Infraclavicular
Radial, Median, Ulnar ... Blocks #POCUS #Ultrasound ... Radial #Median #Ulnar
POCUS - Regional Anesthesia - Trauma Local Nerve Block

 - Ribs
 - Serratus
 - Fascia Iliaca
Radial, Median, Ulnar ... Blocks #POCUS #Ultrasound ... Radial #Median #Ulnar
Froment’s Test for Ulnar Nerve Palsy

This tests for pinch grip weakness caused by ulnar nerve palsy,
Froment’s Test for Ulnar ... weakness caused by ulnar ... Froments #Sign #Test #Ulnar ... #orthopedics #sports
Bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus vulgaris

Comparison Table via Physical Examination, Nikolsky Sign and Differential Diagnoses

#Diagnosis #Dermatology #Bullous
and pemphigus vulgaris ... Pemphigoid #Pemphigus #Vulgaris
Parasternal Windows on POCUS
PLAX = parasternal long axis 
PSAX = parasternal short axis

- Dr. Abhilash Koratala
= parasternal short ... Windows #POCUS #ultrasound
Shoulder Bone Anatomy
Clavicle, Acromion, Scapula, Humerus

By @rev.med

#Shoulder #Bone #Anatomy #sports #orthopedics
Bone #Anatomy #sports
Evidence supports the Ottawa ankle rules as an accurate instrument for excluding fractures of the ankle
Evidence supports ... Management #EM #Ortho #Sports
Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO). Positive "spot sign" on Ocular Ultrasound

78 yo M with sudden onset
Positive "spot sign ... " on Ocular Ultrasound ... POCUS #Ocular #Ultrasound
Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echo (FATE) - Basic FATE views

Pos 1: Subcostal 4-chamber

Pos 2: Apical 4-chamber

Pos 3:
Parasternal LV short ... Windows #Protocol #Ultrasound
Ottawa Ankle Rule #Diagnosis #Management #EM #Ortho #Sports #Ottawa #Ankle #Foot #Rule
Management #EM #Ortho #Sports