Lyme Disease: Early and Late Clinical manifestations Stage 1. Localized • EM appears 7-14 days at the site of Ixodes bite • Fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, fever (not common) • Laboratory abnormalities are rare and mild Stage 2. Disseminated • Several days-weeks after EM • Heralded by neurologic SSX (lymphocytic meningitis, CN palsies, radiculopathy, PN) • Cardiac SSX (AV block) • Months to several years after • Arthritis - Large joints (knees), 1-2 joints - Remitting, chronic • Neurologic - Cognitive impairment - Normal CSF - CSF + Lyme antibodies WuidQ: Washington University ID Questions @WuidQ #Lyme #Disease #diagnosis #signs #symptoms