Summary table of common benign breast diseases and how to manage them. 
 • Most common benign tumour of breast
 • Commonly in women aged 15-35
 • Firm, smooth, rubbery and defined
 • High mobile - "breast mouse"
 • Painless
 • May be multiple and bilateral
Breast cyst:
 • Arise from terminal duct lobular unit
 • Most common in perimenopausal women aged 35-50
 • Fluid-filled, round mass
 • Not fixed to surrounding tissue
 • Can be painful
Fat necrosis:
 • Fibrosis and calcification of fat cells after trauma to breast e.g. biopsy, car accident
• Painless firm lump
 • May have area of bruising/erythema/sign of trauma
Breast abscess:
 • Collection of pus just under skin
 • Associated with breastfeeding and mastitis
 • Usually caused by staph aureus
 • Hot, painful swelling
 • Patient may have fever
 • Benign tumour of fat cells
 • Present as soft, non-tender, well-circumscribed mass

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Gram Project @gramproject · 4 years ago
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