Aortic Dissection - Diagnosis and Acute Management Pain: Chest, Back, Abdo, Migrating, Above & below diaphragm, Abrupt onset, Max intensity at onset, Tearing, Ripping, Sharp, Requiring opioids, Can be intermittent, Can be painless Px: High or low BP, Pulse deficit, New diastolic murmur, Focal neuro deficit, Bilat BP diff (can be normal) Management - Diagnose with CTA. Call CV Surgeon. 1) Control Pain - Fentanyl 25-50mcg IV 2) HR < 60 Labetalol 10-20mg IV bolus, 0.5-2mg/min, or Esmolol 500mcg/kg bolus, 50-300mcg/kg/min 3) SBP <110 *Use arm with higher BP Nitroprusside 0.25-0.5mcg/kg/min, or Nicardipine 5mg/hr - Dr. Sarah Foohey @SarahFoohey #Aortic #Dissection #Diagnosis #Management #treatment #aorta #vascular