Diverticulitis on POCUS 55 m presents to the ED with LLQ pain... No PMH, no meds, no prior abd surgeries Few days of worsening pain left flank/LLQ. Dull, constant. Mildly loose stools, w/o blood. No dysuria. No recent abx use. Intermittent chills. No vomiting. No weight loss. Has been able to maintain good PO intake. No recent travel. HR 96, BP 144/92, SpO2 100% RA, T 100.0 Well appearing. Mildly tender entire left side of abd/flank. ?CVAT. No rebound or guarding. +BS. Tenderness not worse with abd flexion. +psoas sign on left. HB 12, WBC 13, PLT 440, BMP, LFTs, lipase normal, UA +1 blood, 1+ prot, no WBCs POCUS findings were c/w diverticulitis Sigmoid colon thickening (0.53 cm) > 4-5 mm Hyperechoic foci in descending/sigmoid colon c/w diverticuli. #Diverticulitis #POCUS #clinical #ultrasound #colon