Cavities frequently arise within a mass or an area of consolidation as a result of necrosis. We will discuss them here, because the prominent feature is the lucency. In the differential diagnosis there is overlap between cavities and cysts. Cavities can heal and end up as lungcysts and lungcysts can become infected and turn into thick walled cavities. Sometimes emphysematous bullae have visible walls that measure less than 1 mm. To differentiate them from cysts, is to look at the surrounding lung parenchyma. Cysts occur without associated pulmonary emphysema. Cysts usually contain air, but occasionally contain fluid or solid material. The term is mostly used to describe enlarged thin-walled airspaces in patients with lymphangioleiomyomatosis or Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Thicker-walled honeycomb cysts are seen in patients with end-stage fibrosis (11). #Clinical #Diagnosis #Radiology #CTChest #Cavity #Cyst #Emphysema #Comparison #RadiologyAssistant