Pulmonary Pathology and Associated Lung Ultrasound Findings
- No lung sliding/barcode sign
- Lung point (hard to find)
- Bilateral A-lines (parietal pleura reflection)
- Consolidation or "hepatization of the lung"
- Supleural Consolidations
- "Shred" sign
- Unilateral B-lines or bilateral B-lines
- Possible small plural effusion
- Reduced lung sliding due to thickened pleura in severe cases
- Dynamic air bronchograms (atelectasis has static bronchograms)
Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema:
- Widespread and bilateral B-lines
- Normal lung sliding
- Possible bilateral effusion depending on the severity
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS):
- Bilateral or unilateral B-lines
- Normal lung sliding
COPD or Asthma:
- Bilateral A-lines
- Reduced lung sliding
Pulmonary Embolism (PE):
- Bilateral A-Lines
- Deep Vein Thrombosis in Upper or Lower Extremities
- Right Ventricular Enlargement (massive/submassive PE)
POCUS 101 @Pocus101
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