PCOS Treatment 1st line = weight loss • 5-10% weight loss can restore ovulatory cycles • Improvement of metabolic risk Prevent endometrial hyperplasia risk due to chronic anovulation Daily progestin exposure to ensure no unopposed estrogen driven endometrial proliferation Combined Oral Contraceptives: 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol + norethindrone • Progesterone pill, Progestin IUD, Medroxyprogesterone acetate x 10-14d q1-2 mo • Metformin → restore menstrual cycle 30-50% of women with PCOS but does not have endometrial protection or anti-androgen effect Ameliorate hyperandrogenic features: 1. COC x 6 months 2. Spironolactone 50-100 mg BID 3. Finasteride 4. Electrolysis, shaving, waxing #PCOS #Treatment #management #endocrinology #Polycystic #ovary #syndrome #obgyn #gynecology