Thrombotic Microangiopathy - TMAs
1. Not all MAHAs are due to TMAs but (almost) all TMAs cause MAHA. 
2. TMA is a triad of MAHA + thrombocytopenia + organ dysfunction
3. There are primary and secondary TMA. Primary TMA is due to TTP, compliment-mediated TTP (atypical HUS), Shiga-toxin HUS, drug-associated TMA (antibody vs toxicity, and metabolism and coagulation-mediated TMA (these are inherited occurring in children, so I did not include)
4. TTP is only TMA w/o significant renal dysfunction. Cr>2.3 & platelets >30k suggests against TTP.
5. 2nd TMA- autoimmune (catastrophic APS, SRC, SLE), cancer, transplant, infection, pregnancy, & malignant HTN
6. There is a high association of TMA and HIV (14-20%) 

Dr. Ann Marie Kumfer @AnnKumfer

#Thrombotic #Microangiopathy #TMAs #hematology #diagnosis #ttp #hus
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
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