Subglottic stenoses (SGS) during systemic diseases Subglottic stenosis (SGS) = congenital (children) or acquired (adult) characterized by a narrowing of the upper airways extending from below the vocal cords to the lower edge of the cricoid cartilage Diagnostic Work-up: • Biology: CRP, ACE, Ca, serum electrophoresis • Immunology : ANCA, anti-BPAg1/BP230, anti-BPAg2/ BP180 (bullous pemphigoid), anti-desmoglein (pemphigus) • Minor salivary gland biopsy • Cervical and chest CT • Bronchial fibroscopy with biopsies +++ • PET-CT Acquired causes of SGS: • Idiopathic • Hormonal • Post-traumatic: Orotracheal intubation +++, Laryngotracheal surgery (tracheostomy), Laryngotracheal cancer • Autoimmune diseases: AL amyloidosis, Sarcoidosis, Bullous dermatoses, Crohn's disease By Dr. Jennifer Catano #Subglottic #stenoses #SGS #systemic #diseases #differential #diagnosis #causes #rheumatology