STRESS RESPONSE CONTINUUM READY: • Sense of mission, Spiritually and emotionally well, Physically healthy, Emotionally available, Healthy sleep, Sense of joy/vitality, Outward focus, Room for complexity REACTING • Critical of staff and patients, Avoidant of certain assignments or types of work, Disinterested, Feeling distant from others, Irritable, Lack of motivation, Fatigue/weariness, Sleep disturbance INJURED • Sleep issues, Emotional numbness, Activity avoidance, Burnout, Nightmares, Disengaged, Exhausted, Physical symptoms CRITICALLY INJURED: • Hopelessness, Anxiety, Depression, Intrusive thoughts, Feeling lost or out of control, Thoughts of suicide, Self-blame, Hiding out, Relationships, suffering, Careless mistakes, Panic Dan Resnick-Ault @suturesntacos #STRESS #RESPONSE #CONTINUUM #diagnosis #ems #psychiatry