DO2 Equation in Shock = Oxygen Delivery DO2 = CO x (1.39 x [Hb] x SaO2 +(0.003xPaO2)) DO2 = Rate of oxygen delivery (ml per minute) CO = Cardiac output (litres per minute) 1.39 = Oxygen binding capacity of haemoglobin: 1.39 ml per gram [Hb] = Haemoglobin concentration (grams per litre) SaO2 = Haemoglobin oxygen saturation expressed as a fraction (i.e. 97% is expressed as 0.97) 0.003 = Amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood, in ml. For every 1 mmHg of oxygen tension, 0.003ml of oxygen gas is dissolved in 100ml of blood. Dr. Aman Thind @Thind888 #DO2 #Equation #Shock #Oxygen #Delivery #criticalcare #resuscitation #diagnosis