Intracranial Hemorrhage (ICH) and Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP) - Pathophysiology
ICH Management:
1. Manage Blood Pressure
• Spontaneous ICH and SAH BP target: < 140-160
• Avoid vasodilating agents (nitro-) because they increase cerebral blood volume and ICP
2. Neuroprotective Intubation
• Before: +/- local lidocaine, +/- pre-treatment with Fentanyl 3mcg/kg then wait 3min, pre-ox (goal O2 >95%), paralysis + sedation
• During: Minimize attempts, use glidescope
• After: Minimize PEEP, EtCO2 35-40, Ensure adequate sedation
3. Address Coagulopathy
• DOACs: Octaplex
• Warfarin: Octaplex + Vitamin K
• Heparin: Protamine Sulfate
• If platelets < 100: consider platelet transfusion
4. Maintain Normals: Glucose, Temp
5. Manage ICP and Seizures if needed
ICP Physiology:
• Low CO2 = constricts BV = temporarily reduces ICP (but also reduces CPP)
• High CO2 = dilated BV = raises ICP
• Hypoxia = dilated BV = raise ICP (dilates BV directly and via lactic acid formation)
• Hypotension = reactive dilated BV = raise ICP
• Hypertension = potential expansion of bleed
• CPP = MAP - ICP. Target MAP: 80. Why? Target CPP 60. High ICP: 20.
• Increased metabolic demand = increased cerebral blood flow - raise ICP
Osmotic Agents:
• Osmotic agents = increase osmolarity of blood = water leaves brain cells
Dr. Sarah Foohey @SarahFoohey
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