Starr-Edwards Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacements on Fluoroscopy This is a cardiac cath on a patient with two old-school mechanical valves. These are two Starr-Edwards valves. This was the first design of mechanical heart valves - caged ball valves. These were introduced around 1960 and were the only type of mechanical heart valves until the tilting disc type valves were introduced around 1980. It was a simple yet effective mechanism. There are reports of these valves having lasted north of 50 years! I actually still remember my anatomy lab cadaver had one of these in the aortic position to our surprise when we cut into the heart. You won't be seeing these anymore, so it's a rare find. #StarrEdwards #Aortic #Mitral #Valve #Replacements #Fluoroscopy #clinical #cardiology #cathlab #cagedball