Naloxone for Clonidine Overdose
Indication: Altered mental status, CNS depression or respiratory depression due to clonidine overdose
   Adults: 0.4 mg - 2 mg IV every 2 minutes. Max total dose of 10 mg.
   Pediatrics: 10 mg IV push all at one time with a flush after
Mechanism:  It is believed that alpha-2 agonist may increase endogenous opioid release. Endogenous opioids modulate basal sympathetic outflow. Blocking them may improve CNS and respiratory depression.
Pharmacokinetics & Dynamics: 
   Onset: 2-3 minutes
   Duration: ~30-45 minutes
   Half-life: ~30-90 minutes
Take Home: Naloxone may improve CNS depression and respiratory depression. Most strongly supported in pediatric cases. Ensure a therapeutic dose is given and if improvement does not occur move on to other cares.

- Kenett Winters PharmD @MKenettWinters

#Naloxone #Clonidine #Overdose #toxicology #management
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
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