Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Overview

Increased Clotting and Consumption of Clotting Factors

 • Bleeding
 • Recent history of trauma, sepsis, malignancy (Especially acute promyelocytic leukemia) or ABO incompatible blood transfusion
 • Thrombocytopenia
 • Prolonged PT/PTT
 • Low plasma fibrinogen
 • Elevated D-Dimer
 • Increased thrombin time
 • Reduced levels of factors VII, X, V and II
 • Reduced levels of antithrombin, protein C and S

 • Process is simultaneous coagulation and fibrinolysis
 • Procoagulant Exposure → Tissue factor → Fibrinolysis → End organ damage

Clinical Findings:
 • Bleeding (64%)
 • Renal dysfunction (25%)
 • Hepatic dysfunction (19%)
 • Respiratory dysfunction (16%)
 • Shock (14%)
 • Thromboembolism (7%)
 • CNS involvement (2%)

Cutaneous Manifestations of DIC:
 • Petechiae
 • Purpura
 • Palpable variants of both
 • Acral cyanosis
 • Hemorrhagic bullae
 • Purpura fulminans
 • Subcutaneous dissecting hematoma
 • Bleeding from wound or venipuncture sites

Laboratory Findings in DIC:
 • Platelet count: ↓
 • Fibrinogen: ↓
 • PT/INR: ↑
 • PTT: ↑
 • D-Dimer: ↑
 • Peripheral smear: Schistocytes, helmet cells

	- MAHA + Thrombocytopenia
	- Platelet rich microthrombi without significant fibrin clot formation or consumption coagulopathy
	- Thrombocytopenia
	- Normal coagulation studies
	- PBS: + Schistocytes
 • Severe Liver Disease:
	- Impaired synthesis of coagulation factors
	- Reduction of pro/anticoagulants
	- Thrombocytopenia - bleeding or thrombosis (Hypersplenism and thrombopoietin deficiency)
 • HIT: Heparin-PF4 antibodies/SRA
	- + Thrombosis
	- + Bleeding

 • Treat primary cause
 • Correct coagulation abnormalities
	- PLT, FFP, Cryoprecipitate
	- PLT > 50,000
	- Fibrinogen > 150 (Cryoprecipitate to increase > 100mg/dL)
	- Heparin if presence of large thrombosis
	- Hg > 7
	- INR < 2.3
	- APTT < 1.5 x normal

Supportive Measures:
 • Hemodynamic/Ventilatory support
 • Aggressive hydration
 • RBC transfusion for bleeding

#DIC #Disseminated #Intravascular #Coagulation #diagnosis #causes #treatment #management #hematology
Ravi Singh K @rav7ks · 3 years ago
Academic Hospitalist and Program Director @SinaiBmoreIMRes, Medicine clerkship director GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences RMC at Sinai, Clinical reasoning,Simulation and POCUS enthusiast - https://twitter.com/rav7ks
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