Colon Ischemia - Diagnosis Algorithm
Mild disease - Typical symptoms of Cl with none of the associated risk for outcome that are seen in moderate disease
Moderate disease - Any patient suspected of Cl with up to three of the risk factors associated with poor outcome (listed below).
Severe disease - Any patient of Cl with more than three of the criteria for moderate disease' or any of the following: peritoneal signs on physical examination, pneumatosis or venous gas on radiologic imaging, gangrene on colonoscopic examination and pan-colonic or IRCI involvement on imaging by colonoscopy or CT

#Colon #Ischemia #Diagnosis #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Dr. Michael Chew @mchew85 · 4 years ago
GrepMed Gastroenterology-Hepatology Editor, Academic Hospitalist UC Davis Medical Center Internal Medicine, Yale Gastroenterology Fellow '22
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