Prague Criteria - For Endoscopically Suspected Esophageal Columnar Metaplasia/Barrett's Esophagus
1) Ensure Hiatus Hernia Is Recognised By Distinguishing Diaphragmatic Hiatal Impression From Gastroesophageal Junction
2) Locate Gastroesophageal Junction By Depth Of Endoscope Insertion* At Level of: 
 - tops of gastric mucosal folds
 - sphincter "pinch"
3) Look For Displacement of Squamocolumnar Junction Above Gastroesophageal Junction
4) Measure Depth of Endoscope Insertion at the Most Proximal Circumferential Extent of Suspected Columnar Metaplasia
5) Measure Depth of Endoscope Insertion at the Maximum Extent of Suspected Columnar Metaplasia 
6) Subtract the Depth of Insertion for Circumferential and Maximum Extents from the Depth of Endoscope Insertion at the Gastroesophageal Junction

#Prague #Criteria #Barretts #Esophagus #diagnosis #endoscopy #EGD #gastroenterology
Dr. Michael Chew @mchew85 · 4 years ago
GrepMed Gastroenterology-Hepatology Editor, Academic Hospitalist UC Davis Medical Center Internal Medicine, Yale Gastroenterology Fellow '22
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