Orthostatic Hypotension Management Algorithm
 • Hypovolemic?  Yes → Resuscitate
 • Volume Overloaded? No → Fludrocortisone
 • Supine Hypertension? No → Midodrine, Yes → Consider Pyridostigmine
Non-pharmacologic Management:
 • Abdominal binder, Compression stockings → Improves venous return and increases cardiac output
 • Increase PO intake, Increase salt intake → Increases intravascular volume
 • Head-up-tilt (HUT) position → Decrease in sodium and water excretion during the night → higher intravascular volume in the morning
 • Leg crossing with tension of the thigh, buttock and calf muscles (party position) → Improves venous return and increases cardiac output

Dr. Satya Patel @SatyaPatelMD

#Orthostatic #Hypotension #Management #Algorithm #treatment 
Dr. Satya Patel @SatyaPatelMD · 4 years ago
https://twitter.com/SatyaPatelMD | Hospitalist @LosAngelesVA | Anesthesiology Intern APD @UCLAHealth | Interested in medical education, curriculum design, and QI | https://bit.ly/pocketcardset
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