Thromboelastography (trademarked as TEG)
 • Graphical representation of the fibrin polymerization process
 • Point-of-care anti-coagulation monitoring to aid in determining if transfusion of blood products is needed (its value lies in the ability to determine the need for specific blood products)
 • Has been studied compared to routine transfusion algorithms and has been shown to reduce number of transfusions required without compromising outcomes (primarily in cardiac surgical patients)
R (reaction time)
 • Time elapsed until first measurable clot is formed
 • If ↑ → clotting factor deficiency → give FFP
K (K time)
 • Time elapsed until clot reaches a fixed strength
 • If ↑ → fibrinogen deficiency → give cryoprecipitate
α angle
 • Speed of fibrin accumulation
 • If ↓ → fibrinogen deficiency → give cryoprecipitate
MA (maximum amplitude)
 • Highest vertical amplitude
 • If ↓ → platelet deficiency → give platelets
LY30 (lysis at 30 minutes)
 • % of amplitude reduction 30 minutes after its maximum (reflects fibrinolysis
 • If ↑ → excess fibrinolysis → give anti-fibrinolytics (aminocaproic acid or tranexamic acid

Dr. Satya Patel @SatyaPatelMD

#Thromboelastography #Thromboelastogram #TEG #interpretation #hematology
Dr. Satya Patel @SatyaPatelMD · 3 years ago | Hospitalist @LosAngelesVA | Anesthesiology Intern APD @UCLAHealth | Interested in medical education, curriculum design, and QI |
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